6. Conclusion
This study presents an overall picture of widget implementation in academic library
websites across the continents. Investigating the characteristic features, purposes of
use and types of widgets applications, this paper demonstrates, with examples, how
libraries are adopting the new technology to enhance the acceptance of web-based
services among user groups. Libraries are using widgets to provide users with an
intuitive experience, offering a wide range of flexibility to add this web application
where they live, minimizing the time and shortening the path to resources. As this is a
relatively new phenomenon, libraries implementing widgets need to develop
awareness about the use of this technology, provide periodic updates, and
constantly evaluate the feedback received from the users to optimize resource
utilisation. Supported by examples, this study will help librarians and researchers
develop more ideas about various widgets applications and benchmark their efforts in
reaching out to the user community effectively and conveniently. A detailed
examination, employing the questionnaire and interview methods of data collection
and exploring the opinions and concerns of the librarians and users, may help future
researchers to develop better understanding of the usability aspect of widgets and
address broader issues concerning the impact of widgets on users’ and librarians’
attitudes and perceptions towards effective utilisation of library resources and
facilities. Future research may also delve into the new possibilities and challenges of
motivating users to assimilate widgets and embed library resources and services into
their workflows.
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