Drilling activity can introduce non-native, invasive species to New York State and spread already established invasives to areas previously unaffected. Trucks, equipment, and other materials that travel from other parts of the country can
bring seeds, microorganisms, and even animals with them when they arrive. Though the same is true of every vehicle or piece of equipment moved into any area, Marcellus gas development will increase occurrences in New York. Invasive species can alter and damage local ecosystems, especially if those ecosystems are already disturbed or weakened
by environmental changes from gasdrilling. Often invasive species will have left the diseases and predators
that limit their population behind, and can out-compete native species and disrupt the normal ecosystem interactions of their new environment. They can also be very difficult to eradicate once established. New York State already has a number
of invasive species, both aquatic and terrestrial, whose spread can be worsened both by high levels of truck traffic and movement of water from one area to another