PID controls are widely used as a basic control technology in the industrial control system today. However, tuning of PID control systems is not always easy, because of their simple control structures for wide classes of industrial control processes. The tuning of a two-degree-of-freedom(TDOF) PID control system which is increased configuration parameters, is more difficult. In order to obtain good control performances for wide classes of process control systems, we developed a Model-Driven PID(MD-PID) control system[15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20] about ten years ago, by extending the “Model Driven control” concept proposed by Kimura[1].The MD-PID control system has a cascade control structure that is an Internal Model Control(IMC) by Morari[10] as the main controller and a PD control loop as the lower loop including the control process. In this paper, after reviewing the design method for a MD-PID Control system with new PD feedback design method, we propose a new design method for a TDOF PID control system by referring to the Model-Driven PID control system and its sensitivities.
As a realized example of the proposed remote control, we develop an advanced TV system in which
action sloping is implemented. We actually implemented some functions like channel select, power on/off
on the advanced TV system, and confirmed the execution.