The CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM of Southern California (CPP) is the construction industry resource to help you solve construction-related crimes. Specifically, contact CPP for help in the following instances.
1. CPP markings are seen on property you're investigating or have just recovered: The majority of our member firms have die-stamped their property for your immediate identification. On larger pieces of equipment, look first on the front right-hand side, below our bright yellow decal, for a number that is usually the driver's license number of the owner of the firm (Example: CDL J0121212). Similar die-stamping will also be found below the serial number location and in a hidden location, determined by each firm. If these specific areas are defaced, it should serve as a red flag to you to warrant further investigation. Replicas of our bright yellow, non-removable decals are shown below.
Both styles of CPP decals give you our 24-hour "800" REWARD/HOTLINE phone number. We keep a file of names and phone numbers of the specific employees each particular firm wants called, after-hours, to resolve any problems. Your call to the CPP HOTLINE can reach the owner of the equipment (even after business hours), usually within fifteen minutes. Verification and solution of a problem situation can take place in minutes, not days. If contact can't be made immediately, CPP will get back to you with answers as soon as possible.
2. Recovered construction-related property is unmarked and owner cannot be identified: CPP provides two options to help law enforcement identify the property's legal owner. First, using our industry resources and contacts, CPP will make every effort to find the legal owner so you can complete a case. Second, if we can't find the owner, the industry's newspaper, the "GreenSheet", and several industry magazines, will publish the description (as a free service to officers) under a "FOUND - NO OWNER" format in our weekly "Crime Alert" column. Give CPP the specific property data - we'll write and submit the article and keep you informed of any resulting leads or calls.
3. You want to help construction firms within your jurisdiction (or a specific firm) stop repeated theft and vandalism problems: Repeated thefts and vandalism don't have to be a fact of life for the firms in your area. Call our office; we'll help the firms you've recommended learn how to mark their property correctly, while using the most effective measures to prevent and resolve these expensive problems.
Support within the construction industry, law enforcement, and the insurance industry continues to grow -because CPP makes everyone a winner, except the criminals. We'll use our industry resources to help you solve any case involving construction-related equipment; stolen or recovered. CPP help is only a phone call away.