Step 3. Analyse the problems
After the previous focus on discussion, terms of reference and preparation,
Step 3 is the first to involve the detailed technical aspects of land-use
planning. It is a big step. First, the existing land-use situation has to be
analysed and compared with the development goals; to do this requires the
identification of land units and land-use systems. Next, problems with the
present land use must be identified, including their nature and severity.
Finally, the causes of these problems must be analysed.
Step 6. Appraise the alternatives: environmental,
economic and social analysis
The evaluation carried out so far has been essentially in terms of physical
suitability. An assessment has been made of whether different kinds of land
use can be undertaken on a sustained basis.
In Step 6, the effects of each alternative use are appraised in environmental,
economic and social terms.
Obviously, these aspects have not been ignored: they generally guided the
identification of promising options at Step 4. Now, those that passed this first
test are formally appraised against the selected criteria. In this step, it is
essential to examine land-use proposals from the standpoint of the
capabilities and incentives of individual land users.