The rest of the week you stayed in, either reading a book or watching television. One day you didn't feel like reading and there was nothing on the television so you decided to go outside. As you walked around town you passed by the hospital.
"Hey, (F/n)-chan."
You turned around and saw Taiyou smiling at you.
"A-Amemiya-san?" You said, surprised. He blinked a couple of times, his smile away.
"You can just call me Taiyou, you know. No formalities."
He chuckled. "Really."
"Okay." You said, smiling as well. The two of you stood there in silence for a while before Taiyou spoke again.
"Want to go to the park?"
"Eh?" You stared at him. "Why?"
"Just because. Or do you have a particular place to be?" He gave you a questioning look.
"Oh, no. Not really. I was getting bored inside so I decided to go for a walk."
"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled at you. You sighed, but then smiled as well.
When the two of you arrived at the park, Taiyou grabbed your arm.
"Hmm? Is something wrong, Taiyou?" After he told you off a couple of times on your way to the park you had learned to call him Taiyou. He shook his head and then started dragging you down the path. You let him. You didn't mind the contact in any way.
I wonder. Why does he want to take me to the park anyway? I barely even know him and yet he makes me act so familiar with him. Yet for some reason I don't mind at all. It even feels like I've known him for years already. Or is it because of another reason? Could that even be possible? To be together like that with someone like him? Hell, I don't think he even likes me that way so I should really stop thinking about this. Yet-
"We're here." Taiyou's nice voice made you snap out of your thoughts. He had brought you to the small lake in the center of the park.
"Uhm.. Taiyou? I don't want to be rude or anything, but why did you bring me here?" You asked puzzled.
"Hmm.. It's still early.." He ignored your question and muttered in himself. Then, he raised his voice again. "Would you mind waiting here for a bit? I'll be right back."
"No, I don't mind. But why-"
"You'll see." He smiled and then walked away.
You watched him leave and sighed. You then turned towards the fountain in the middle of the lake. You frowned slightly and then decided to sit down on the soft grass, staring towards the fountain and how the ducks swam around. After some time, Taiyou still hadn't returned and you started to worry a bit, but waved it away. He'll come back, you told yourself. You lay down and stared at the clouds. Slowly, you started to drift away.