excluded. The measurements of muscle torque taken
for knee flexors and extensors were carried out on
subjects in a sitting position. The hip and knee joints
were bent at 90°. The subjects were stabilized at the
level of anterior superior iliac spines and thighs, with
the upper extremities resting on the chest. The subjects
were lying face up during the measurements of
hip extensors and flexors muscle torque. The subjects
were stabilized at the level of anterior superior iliac
spines. The hip joint angle remained at 90° during the
measurement. The maximal, physiological extension
of an elbow, knee and hip joints was accepted as 0°.
For the shoulder joint, the positioning of the arm
along the side was taken as 0°. The joint axis of rotation
during the muscle torque measurements corresponded
to the axis of rotation of the torque meter.
The muscle torques of the right and left limbs were
measured separately, always in the order flexion–extension.
Each subject was told to develop a maximal
power output during the measurement.