where k2 is the rate constant of preudo-second-order adsorption
(g/mg min), qt and qe are the amount of MO absorbed at time t and
at equilibrium (mg/g). k2 and qe can be obtained from the slope
and intercept of plots of t/qt vs. t, which is shown in Fig. 7b. The
adsorption kinetic parameters are reported in Table 1. The results
reveals that all the experimental data can fit well to the pseudosecond-order
model. Clearly, at different initial concentrations, all
correlation coefficient(r2) values are greater than 0.99 fromTable 1,
showing a good linear relationship between t/qt and t. In addition,
the experimental amount of MO adsorption at equilibrium (qe(exp))
are very close to the calculatedamount(qe(cal)). Onthe base of above
analysis, we can draw a conclusion that the pseudo-second-order
kinetic model is highly applicable to the adsorption process of MO
onto MoSe2.