Bioreactors were inoculated with the volumeof the prepared inoculum required to set the initial OD600to 0.005.Fed-batch operation started at hour 15, by exponentially feedinga concentrated nutrient solution containing 600 g/L of glycerol or500 g/L of glucose. The feed rate was calculated according to theequation F(t) = (XbVb/SfYx/s)etwith = 0.12 h−1. At a biomass of50–55 OD600the temperature was shifted from 30◦C to 42◦C. Thefed-batch cultures were ended when the biomass stopped increas-ing or partial cell lysis was observed.Culture samples were analyzed immediately for biomass(OD600). Plasmid yields were determined by quantification of plas-mid obtained from Qiagen (Hilden, Germany) Spin Miniprep Kitpreparations. Acetate concentrations in culture media supernatantsamples were measured using an enzymatic acetic acid test kit (Cat.No. 10148261035, R-Biopharm, Darmstadt, Germany).