ow this would be cool: a wireless charging bowl.
If you're anything like me, you have a specific place where you drop your keys and phone at the end of the day. What if the bowl you dropped them into charged them up for you? Intel has plans for just that. Sneaked in among the several new innovations the company showcased at its 2014 CES keynote address was a smart wireless charging bowl. Intel CEO Brian Krzanich discussed the bowl in the section of the presentation about solving problems by making everything smart. It seems they're starting small. Small, however, doesn't mean insignificant.
But don't get too excited yet. Right now, the Intel charging bowl pairs only with Intel's newly announced smart headset. However, the company plans to expand it to accommodate a wider array of devices, including phones, tablets, and Ultrabooks. For now, Intel's smart headset will charge automatically as soon as you drop it into the wireless bowl.
The bowl and stand measure approximately 10 inches in diameter and utilize magnetic resonance technology, which is the basis of recent A4WP innovations. It's a technology that makes it possible to charge multiple devices simultaneously without precise placement.
Unfortunately, Intel hasn't released details on pricing or availability, but we will provide you with those specifics as soon as we have them.