2. Cultural Practices. a.Adequate fertilizer program.
Proper nitrogen fertility will greatly reduce
the occurrence and severity of dollar spot.
Refer to OSU Extension fact sheet HYG-4006,
“Fertilization of Lawns.” Note: Careful consideration
must be given to fertility programs to avoid
excessive nitrogen fertility, which aggravates other
diseases such as brown patch. b. Avoid periods of
prolonged leaf wetness. Avoid overwatering and
frequent late afternoon or evening irrigation
that prolongs the time grass stays wet. This is
especially true for mornings when heavy dew is
likely. Prune trees and shrubs to facilitate optimal
penetration of sunlight and remove barriers or
wind blocks to promote optimal air movement
so grass dries faster. c. Irrigate turf during dry
conditions. Provide adequate soil moisture for
continuous and optimal turf growth.