In another paper [2], the author Martin Brandtner proposes a new way of representing software quality through distilling information, both direct observations and derived metrics, from different software repositories such as codebases in version control systems, development tool-usage, issue managers or bug trackers, project wikis, etc. Such observations and metrics are proposed to be presented in customized form for the different stakeholders such as architects, developers and testers in a timely fashion, presenting a snapshot of the project quality status, either as “stakeholder context” or as “technical context.” Architects would require a set of quality measurements indicating potential violations of the architecture. Developers would need source code history and build history to support understanding of the root cause of any problem. Testers would want a set of quality measurements and statistics on events occurring in software tools such as the version control system, the build and release tool Jenkins and the static code analysis tool Sonar during and after any code change. The proposed work involves identifying a model for software quality assessment context, tailoring or customization for different stakeholder needs and its presentation and interaction.