Firms with
uncertainties, going concern, unsolved issues,
misapplication of accounting standards, limitation of
audit scopes by either circumstances or
management are likely to receive modified auditor’s
report. Moreover, this research expects that such
evidence may differ for Big 4 and non-Big 4 auditors
because they may have different economic bond
with audit clients. Big 4 auditors may have greater
audit cost, reputation and litigation risks than nonBig
4 auditors so that they should place more
conservatism and do more audit works when
receiving high audit fee. In contrast, non-Big 4
auditors may want to keep clients who can pay high
audit fee and are likely to issue clean auditor’s report
to please their clients. Further investigation reveals
that both of Big 4 and non-Big 4 auditors are not
influenced by high audit fees in expressing their
opinion. In other words, economic dependence does
not impair auditor’s independence for both Big 4 and
non-Big 4 auditors.