Sashimi is raw meat from animals such as fish or fillets fresh organs and eat alongside SEO example and seasoning of Tsu Shima (side dishes). Such as pickled ginger Wasabi Grated radish and the distinctive chip line The sashimi is the name of the current official name, which referred to the 2 major varies according to each local is "sashimi" and "Kanto bar of Tsu Ku Shi" the Kansai region.
Sashimi is cuisine that is developed from the Japan food called "NA-Tsu Shima" is to bring the raw fish coming to hack. Serve with vinegar, mix Wasabi ginger and vinegar mix, but the sashimi has started is unknown since the Kamakura (1185 – 1333 1921). Which food group it is just squid fishermen came to carve into thin pieces and eat it fresh when entering the Muro-machi reign (1336 – 1573 1921). the advent of the shoyu and serve with sashimi shoyu in the past but is considered to be of high prices. It is sashimi menu high for people who have food as modern, but only when entering the late Edo (1603 – 1867 1921) into the soy has widespread Burger classes. Hence making sashimi is commonly eaten in General, began to open a shop selling sashimi or Japan, depending on the language that the "sashimi ya" until today.