Economic values of road-traffic-related air pollution and noise are
often assessed using different instruments. The risks of air pollution are
predominantly evaluated in terms of stated willingness-to-pay/WTP
using contingent valuation (CV) approaches, whereas many noise studies
assess revealed WTP, using hedonic price approaches (Navrud et al.,
2006; Desaigues et al., 2011). The differences in the WTP estimation
methodologies applied to air pollution and noise hamper the joint use
and comparison of outcome data, particularly because the risks of these
pollutants differ in nature and severity. Therefore, we simultaneously
assessed the WTP for the risks of traffic-related air pollution and noise
on health using one instrument and approach.We conducted this assessment
within the EU-funded project, “Integrated Assessment of Health
Risks from Environmental Stressors in Europe” (Briggs, 2008;
Integrated Assessment of Health Risks of Environmental Stressors in
Europe (INTARESE), 2009; Integrated Assessment of Health Risks of
Environmental Stressors in Europe (INTARESE), 2012).