Dear N1 Parents,
Sept. 10, 2015
Week 5 is fast approaching and most of the children are settled and enjoying school. It has been a learning process for both teachers and parents to get adjusted to the children’s behaviour at school; it is a thrilling pace for most and a challenging learning journey for some. With their new environment, young children will definitely respond in their own way; comparison is not encouraged as everyone is unique in different ways. Both teachers and parents play a vital role to have children get settled and socialize cheerfully this term; it is a two way process – parents and teachers’ cooperation is on top of each child’s success.
In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to refresh your mind with the rules we have discussed at the beginning of the Academic Year.
Firstly, drop off should be at the front gate; there are TAs posted in front to receive your children. You are no longer allowed to get in the building as this distracts other children and unsettles them. We also want to avoid parents taking photos or videos; do not worry, parents will have plenty of occasions to take pictures during the various school events. If your child is coming late, kindly wait at the reception area; a TA from your child’s class will pick him/her up or the secretary will send your child herself. Secondly, if you have personal issues to address to your homeroom teacher, kindly wait for her to have free time in the afternoon as they are busy in the morning. Sending an e-mail will also be a good option if it is not an urgent matter. Thirdly, kindly present a medical certificate if your child has been away for 2 or more days. However, if your child is not sick and went on a holiday please e-mail your homeroom teacher.
These are a few rules we need to strictly consider this term as they are part of our school policy and thy will ensure a smooth and organized transition in class. We do not want our children to cry because they have seen other parents in front of their classrooms as this may delay some routines and will surely affect the entire class. Let’s help our young children see in us the importance of being punctual and independent. It may take some time however; forming good habits in them is one of our top priorities in Nursery 1.
It is also my pleasure to invite you on Sept. 16 at 1.00 pm for a Nursery 1 Meeting. We will discuss a few things on that day and show you what your children at school. If you have any questions, this is a good platform for you to ask.
We will begin our Theme Fridays this month; we have chosen “Pajama Party” for this event on the 25th of Sept. Kindly let your child wear their PJs from home and ensure to have a change of clothes; we have planned some activities connected to this event. Your homeroom teachers will contact you soon.
If you have any queries don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
T. Jeane
(N1 Coordinator)