Hello All,
I want to bid farewell to you all and inform you that I am leaving my position at system admin. Today is my last day at work.
I have enjoyed working for valeo.
During these last four years you all have provided me support and through your encouragement and guidance I have been able to excel at the projects offered to me. With many of you, I have shared a unique camaraderie which I hope will continue in the years to come even though I shall not be here with the company. I now look forward to this new position that brings forth new challenges and adds more diverse experience to my career.
I do wish you and the company every success in all its future endeavors.
You can be in touch with me by
Email – panakorn17@gmail.com
Or call me at 091-0151479
Also, I would like to add you to my LinkedIn profile, if you would as well, please do accept the invitation. I shall be sending you requests to join my LinkedIn network soon.
With best regards,