So the great beast shook himself, and all the heap of little figs went roll, roll, roll--some a mile this way, some a mile that, farther than they had ever rolled before or than the most blustering wind could have driven them.
Seeing this, the Jackal scampered away, saying: "I am so much obliged to you, Alligator, for letting me know you are there, for indeed I should hardly have guessed it. You were so buried under that heap of figs." The Alligator, hearing this, was so angry that he ran after the Jackal, but the latter ran very, very fast away, too quickly to be caught.
So the great beast shook himself, and all the heap of little figs went roll, roll, roll--some a mile this way, some a mile that, farther than they had ever rolled before or than the most blustering wind could have driven them.Seeing this, the Jackal scampered away, saying: "I am so much obliged to you, Alligator, for letting me know you are there, for indeed I should hardly have guessed it. You were so buried under that heap of figs." The Alligator, hearing this, was so angry that he ran after the Jackal, but the latter ran very, very fast away, too quickly to be caught.
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