Elements of Fraud Report
1) Address section: Whom the report is from and whom it is addresses to.
2) Background information: Very briefly describe what trigger the investigation.
3) Executive summary: Summarize in a few paragraphs the entire investigation: the methods and tests used, any professional standards followed, and its results.
4) Scope and objectives: Indicate what the investigation sought to accomplish and any limitations placed on it.
5) Approach: Provide general information about the members of the fraud investigation team, the procedures and methods used, the test performed, and the evidence collected.
6) Findings: Provide details regarding the methods used, tests performed, and the evidence collected, include a simple one-or two-sentence statement of the findings of the investigation.
7) Recommendations: Contain recommendations regarding repairing any internal control weaknesses that led to a fraud, referring the matter to legal counsel and reporting it to authorities.
8) Exhibits: Include copies of documents, interview transcripts, a brief resume of the fraud investigator, and so on.