30 years ago, " Map Ta Phut " is a small community in Rayong, most people are not familiar names . Until discovery of natural gas in the Gulf of Thailand . The government chose to be an parade of production and development of related industries and petrochemicals, and natural gas . The terrain is not very far , Bangkok named . " Map Ta Phut " and developed infrastructure . Related systems such as port , road, rail , deep water , telecommunications , etc., during the first year of operation in 2525 , it has an area of only 7,000 hectares .
5 years later the government . Gen. Chatchai GCCF Thailand aims to be " the fifth tiger " of Asia (Fifth Asian Tiger) to " four tiger economies of Asia, " South Korea , Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan Map Ta Phut be extended. the wider the rings To accommodate the many new factories Until present, there are over two thousand acres called " Map Ta Phut complex" composite dock Ta Phut industrial estate and 5 are located close together . 1 Map Ta Phut . Two . Estates Red Cliff Three . Estates Asia . 4 East Industrial Estate Five . Estates of RIL . Under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry. Enterprises in the form