A novelm icrocapsulfeo r cosmeticws as studied.T he microcapsulwe as preparedb y usinga n O/W/O
emulsificatiotne chniquea nd showedh igh thermostablper operties(> 70øC).A gar wase mployedto gel the
waterp haseo f the emulsionT. he sizeo f the microcapsulewsa sc ontrolledb y the procestse mperaturea nd
the stirring speed: the higher the temperature or the stirring speed, the smaller the diameter of the
microcapsulper oducedT. he strengtho f the agarg el phasew asi nvestigateda, nd the effecto f the ratio of
the internal oil to the gel (water)p hasew as observedY. oung's modulusd ecreasedw ith increaseo f the
internal oil ratio.
For cosmetica pplicationso f the microcapsuletsh, e all trans-retinolp almirateo r ethyl linoleateu seda s a
model ingredientw as stabilizedb y microencapsulatioTnh.e remainingp ercentageosf all trans-retinol
palmiratea nd ethyl linoleatei n the microcapsulaef ter the four-weeke xperimentast 50øCw ere 87% and
95%, respectivelyO. n the otherh and,t hosei n oil solutionw ere7 2% and 91%, respectivelyT.h is microcapsules
howss uitablep ropertiesfo r not only cosmeticu se,b ut alsof or applicationsin foodsa nd other