Bill put his hands up in defense and the seatbelt snapped back against his chest. His fingers flexed, itching to test the seatbelt again but he didn’t for a long moment. Then he hesitently pulled the seatbelt foreward, becoming giddy when the seatbelt passed the three inch point.
“Fixed it!” He called, letting it snap back against his chest again.
Dipper rolled his eyes and shook his head, instead focusing on driving as Mabel gave an uncomfortable cough that was obviously an attempt to cover up a quiet laugh. Dipper had absolutely no idea how they were going to deal with this.
Observing the human race since the beginning of time and Bill was proud for figuring out a seatbelt.
“So, I was thinking that Bill can help advertise for the Shack,” Dipper decided to start slowly as they drove through the woods on a well worn road. He glared into the rearview mirror, “No creepy stuff though. No screaming heads or ripping teeth out of things or anything like that!”
“I know, I know,” Bill assured in exhasperation. “Humans are sensitive.”
Dipper snorted but said nothing, instead pulling up to the house and turning off the car. “Home sweet home,” He breathed.
“I’m starving and exhausted,” Mabel whined before giving Dipper her best pout. “Make me Mac and Cheese?”
“Yeah, yeah. Then you’re going to bed, though.” Dipper ordered with a wag of his finger, still SO thankful that he had his sister safe and alive.
She gave a mock salute and climbed out of the car and skipped towards the house. Dipper sighed contently and glanced again into the rearview mirror and frowned at Bill. He should be thankful, Bill had promised him Mabel’s health and safety, but he wondered what the cost would really be.
Bill met his eyes and stared at him, looking almost calculating. Dipper vaguely wondered if Bill knew his thoughts and fought not to break eye contact. If this was some sort of dominance thing, then Dipper was going to win. He needed to have some kind of control over Bill.
Bill shot him a crooked smile before unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing out of the car.
Dipper watched him for a moment before doing the same and taking the lead, letting Bill follow him into the house and subsequently, into the kitchen. “I’m sure you you’re your way around.” He commented dryly.