Moreover, a low speed at which website
pages load and commands are carried out contributes to make the
user frustrated when the website is used. However, it may happen
that when the interaction with the website is really enjoyable, the
user becomes so engaged in this interaction, so full immersed in
what is doing and focused on the task to be totally unaware of the
time which is passing. In this case, the perception that the user has
of time becomes distorted, and an objective measure of it might not
be associated to the real cognitive cost sustained. Even, much more
time to complete the task can be spent, if the interaction with the
website is pleasing and the satisfied website user has fallen in a state
of flow (Hoffman et al., 2000; Hoffman et al., 2002). Thus, an
objective measurement of time may be even misleading in the
assessment of website quality.
Interacting with thewebsite