or palliative care (Up to date, 2012). The Thai version of
the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General
(FACT-G) is a multidimensional questionnaire developed
and validated for cancer patients. It would be interesting
to determine whether salvage therapy and palliative care
alone affect quality of life. The FACT-G scores for 870
ovarian cancer patients were calculated in one study, as
follows: mean(SD) of physical well-being=24.19 (3.90),
functional well-being=21.01 (5.15), emotional wellbeing=
19.62 (3.54), social well-being=19.68 (5.28), and
global FACT-G=82.14 (13.18) (Wilailak et al., 2011).
Some studies have clearly shown a positive effect on
HRQL when cancer salvage treatment was provided. On