Birth, dilapidation, and demise are mundane and evitable for all human beings on earth. In particular, before passing away, the ill-fated patients have to astronomically suffer both psychological and physical torment. Thus, to help those terminally ill patients pass away peacefully, medical personnel and their relatives have to provide utmost care to their psychological and physical comfort. Instead the deviation or misunderstanding of those involved could hamper their peaceful demise as the patients who are terminally ill have to suffer the greatest pain, but cannot communicate how excruciating they feel, especially, in case of fatal disease or critical accidents. When referring to medical drug as analgesics used for treating those patients who are suffering untold pain, many can recall the effectiveness of morphine and heroin. In fact, in some countries, medical profession has approved the use of heroin for those misfortune patients, while many nations have banned this narcotic for medical treatment for relieving pain. So far, there are obviously two sides having different views on the use of heroin as medical treatment for ill-fated patients. Some persons mostly agree with heroin for medical utilization by insisting that using heroin for medical treatment helps reduce the pain of patients very fast, well incorporate with medical major operation, and reduce coughing of those patients. In contrast, many disagree with having heroin intervene with medical treatment for those critical patients by standing on the ground that heroin can be combined with other chemicals to create more severe effects of narcotics, hazardously press nerve, and cost huge medical expenses. On this ground, it is necessary to compare the pros and cons for using heroin to treat ill-fated patients before reaching the final analysis.