A : Hi,today is so hot. We are go to shopping together?
B : well, I think it's good .
A : Did you know that if we prefer to use cloth bags for shopping. Have you ever used this?
B : I know well the need to use cloth bags for shopping,I think that's a good thing too.
A : If we use cloth shopping bags,We'll save plastic bags.
B : I have cloth shopping bag, I feel people should use move cloth shopping bag.
A : It's good , too many people throw plastic bag in garbage cans. It causes global warming.
B : Yes, I think same you. Do you use a cloth shopping bag every time ?
A : Yes, Maybe it's just me, but I think shoppers should take fewer plastic and paper bags from the supermarket. I always bring my own bag.
B : Wow , It is a good idea.
A : We need more use cloth shopping bag .