Thus, the aim of this work was to characterize five commercially
valuable squid species, captured in three distinct oceans,
regarding their PAH levels in order to assess their status of contamination
and their intra and inter-specific variability. Analysis was
focused on 18 PAHs (the 16 PAHs considered by US EPA as priority
pollutants, dibenzo(a,l)pyrene and benzo(j)fluoranthene corresponding
to 10 PAHs included in Commission Regulation 1881/
2006 (European Commission, 2006)) which includes the four PAHs
recently indicated as the most appropriate indicators of the presence
of carcinogenic and genotoxic PAHs in foodstuffs (European
Commission, 2011). Based on per capita cephalopod consumptions
for low and high consumer populations (FAO, 2012), the daily PAHs
intake, non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were also