2.3 The special agro-climatic features of Bhutan are ideal for the development of horticulture; Adequate
provision has, therefore, been made in the plan for this purpose. The export of cardamom, oranges and
potato is expected to go up with the expected increase in production during the Third Plan. The area under
apples is expected to double and as a result the apple production is expected to be of a value of about
Rs.2.5 crore by 1977. This expansion in apple production would, in consequence, generate additional
economic activity and employment for the people. Production of cereals and pulses will also go up.
Provision has also been made for organizing co-operative marketing societies to ensure optimum return to
farmers by providing efficient marketing facilities, warehouses etc.
2.3 The special agro-climatic features of Bhutan are ideal for the development of horticulture; Adequateprovision has, therefore, been made in the plan for this purpose. The export of cardamom, oranges andpotato is expected to go up with the expected increase in production during the Third Plan. The area underapples is expected to double and as a result the apple production is expected to be of a value of aboutRs.2.5 crore by 1977. This expansion in apple production would, in consequence, generate additionaleconomic activity and employment for the people. Production of cereals and pulses will also go up.Provision has also been made for organizing co-operative marketing societies to ensure optimum return tofarmers by providing efficient marketing facilities, warehouses etc.
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