M. vitrata and C. tomentosicollis sampling commenced
from 7.00 – 9.30 am before each weekly spraying. For
Maruca pod borers (MPBs), twenty flowers were
randomly removed (Amatobi, 1994) from each plot and
placed in vials containing 30 % alcohol. These were
taken to the laboratory and dissected the next day. The
number of pod borers found in each flower was counted
and recorded. MPBs were also examined in a random
sample of 20 pods taken from 10 plants in a plot. These
were also placed in vials containing 30 % alcohol and
dissected the next day in the laboratory. MPB larvae
found were counted. Adults and nymphs of C.
tomentosicollis were sampled visually on plants found
in a 1.0 x 1.0 m² quadrant, which was located randomly
in three different positions within the three inner ridges
(main ridges) in each plot. The number of pods
damaged per plant was recorded at 10 WAS using the
following formula: