When the samples were annealed for 3 min, the haze values
of the PLLA blends were 10%, whereas the value for neat PLLAwas
already 15% despite having a lower Xc value. The haze values of the
PLLA blends remained almost constant when further annealed to
10 min. In contrast, the haze value of neat PLLA reached 45%. As
indicated in their POM images, the presence of smaller spherulites
in the PLLA blends resulted in the fabrication of films with
lower degrees of haze. Although the Xc values of XylPr/PLLA and
XylBu/PLLA were comparable, the former showed higher degrees of
haze because of the presence of undissolved particles. Fig. 5c shows
images captured through the PLLA and XylBu/PLLA films. The
images taken through the latter were clearer than those taken
through the former, which appeared obscured and cloudy.