pH measurement
pH values of the LTL were measured using a portable pH meter. Each value was the mean of
four random measurements.
Instrumental measurement of colour
A Minolta CM‐2002 spectrophotometer was used to measure colour at the surface of a 2 cmthick
LTL chop exposed to air for 2 h. The parameters registered were CIE L* (lightness), a*
(redness), and b* (yellowness). Each value was the mean of 10 observations on the same
Drip loss
A 2‐cm‐thick chop was weighed and placed on a supporting mesh in a sealed plastic
container. After a storage period of 24 and 48 hours at 4 ± 1°C, the samples were taken out of
the container, dabbed lightly on filter paper and weighed again. Drip loss was expressed as a
percentage of the initial weight, based on Honikel [6].