Pollen germination capacity and viability of 3-mango cultivars viz., Chaunsa, Dasheri and
Langra were investigated up to 48 weeks. Pollen germination was standard by hanging drop
technique in different concentration of sucrose solutions (5%-50%) with 1% agar and 0.001% boric
acid. The stored conditions were refrigerator (4ºC), freezer (-20ºC, -30ºC), freeze drier (-60ºC), in
vacuum over silica gel and in organic solvents (acetone, benzene, chloroform). Pollen stored at low
temperature showed better germination percentage compared to pollen stored at 4ºC and fresh.
Among three cultivars variety langra showed better pollen germination at all stored conditions
except at -20ºC. Variety chaunsa and dasheri also showed good germination of pollen.