BehaviorThe pattern of change with time in total feeder occu-pancy was similar between Cont-6 and Cont-12. Althoughtotal feeder occupancy was greater for Cont-12 vs. Cont-6in each hour of the day, occupancy per wether was numer-ically less for Cont-12. This is somewhat in agreement witha linear decline in feeder occupancy time per wether notedby Gipson et al. (2006) as the number increased from 6 to12. However, feeder occupancy per wether in the presentexperiment of 93 and 110 min for Cont-12 and Cont-6 wasgreater than 72 and 98 min for 12 and 6 wethers per feeder,respectively, noted by Gipson et al. (2006). Reasons forthese differences are unclear. However, as suggested earlierfeeder occupancy and DMI with continuous access couldhave been stimulated or promoted by the relatively aggres-sive feeding behavior of other wethers when first givenfeeder access.