WCR Lessons were designed on a free wiki-based website called “PBWorks.” The lessons were comprised of three units, covering the contents of the textbook, Read This 2, which was employed in normal classroom. Each unit contained activities that were designed to promote students’ discussions with exercises and end-of-unit quizzes to the students. Furthermore, each unit consisted of three main parts: pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading parts. Each part contained a group discussion part, where the students were requested to post their opinions and comments on the given discussion activities. The pre-reading part contained a preview of the topic and preview of key vocabulary of the text in the lesson. The while-reading part included identifying
key words and main ideas of each paragraph. The post-reading part focused on summarizing the text the students have just read and relating it to students’ real world experience.
The pre- and post-tests consisted of two reading passages and 20 multiple-choice items with five different types of comprehension questions, namely, dealing with vocabulary, finding pronoun referents, identifying the main idea, finding supporting details, and making inferences.
The questionnaire consisted of three parts. The first part was related to the demography and experience in online learning of the participant. This part aimed to explore general information such as name, age, field of study, and his/her experience in online instruction of the participant. The second part was the participant’s satisfaction with the lessons and activities on the wiki. The final part was an open-ended question asking the participant about his/her difficulties and comments about the lessons and activities on the wiki.