The relationship between education and socioeconomic status has been demonstrated in studies of the developed
and the developing world, yet there are communities in which schooling is either not available to all children or
not a preferred activity for all children. In this study, we investigated the differences between children in-school
and out-of-school in rural and peri-urban communities of Zambia. As expected, we found that the children
in-school performed higher in domains of adaptive behavior and on assessments of academic achievement (i.e.,
mathematics, reading). Somewhat unexpectedly, however, when controlling for socioeconomic status, household
responsibilities (i.e., chores, work) were a positive predictor for the performance of the children out-of-school, but
a negative predictor for the children in-school. The relationship between household responsibilities and academic
performance may be bidirectional and differential; for example, our findings allow for the hypothesis that for
in-school children household responsibilities take time away from the studies, but for out-of-school children they
provide some limited mathematics exposure.projecting performed both in class and within the frames of extracurricular activities. The positive feature of social projecting is its universal character: this student’s activity may be realized both within the frames of teaching and educational process (at lessons, optional classes, group hours) and extracurricular activities such as public, students’ and young people’s associations, establishments of additional education
The relationship between education and socioeconomic status has been demonstrated in studies of the developedand the developing world, yet there are communities in which schooling is either not available to all children ornot a preferred activity for all children. In this study, we investigated the differences between children in-schooland out-of-school in rural and peri-urban communities of Zambia. As expected, we found that the childrenin-school performed higher in domains of adaptive behavior and on assessments of academic achievement (i.e.,mathematics, reading). Somewhat unexpectedly, however, when controlling for socioeconomic status, householdresponsibilities (i.e., chores, work) were a positive predictor for the performance of the children out-of-school, buta negative predictor for the children in-school. The relationship between household responsibilities and academicperformance may be bidirectional and differential; for example, our findings allow for the hypothesis that forin-school children household responsibilities take time away from the studies, but for out-of-school children theyprovide some limited mathematics exposure.projecting performed both in class and within the frames of extracurricular activities. The positive feature of social projecting is its universal character: this student’s activity may be realized both within the frames of teaching and educational process (at lessons, optional classes, group hours) and extracurricular activities such as public, students’ and young people’s associations, establishments of additional education
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