„It seems like I, only then with that move, helping you rapidly restore Divine Power, your own consumption can rapidly restore with pills, but Divine Power was not good!” The Long Xueyi complexion enforces suddenly
„With what move?” Chen Xiang sees a Long Xueyi face earnest appearance, is very curious.
„The technique of god gathering, my Divine Soul compared with your, the speed that I restore is quicker than you, if my Divine Soul and your Divine Soul in the same place, I can help you rapidly restore to come” Long Xueyi to say.
„That has not used quickly! You have this move, why doesn't use earlier?” Chen Xiang said pleasantly surprised that he has not tried and Divine Soul fusion of Long Xueyi, now is only Long Xueyi lends him deep sea inside Divine Power at most.
„Snort, others are only good not to consider that clear if wanted such does!” Long Xueyi tender snort said.
„What can also consider? Hurry up, that medium crystal stones mineral lode in me at present, I needs massive Divine Power to display to swallow the technique to swallow the crystal stones mineral lode.” Chen Xiang urged.
„God gathers the technique, is our Divine Soul unions, your idiot!” Long Xueyi honk the mouth was saying: „When the time comes I enter your deep sea, my Divine Soul strips off the clothes and you make that! Although is not on the human body, but others good and bad is a girl, this life important matter must give careful consideration!”
After Chen Xiang hears these words, something on body has curled upwards slightly! Especially thinks that with Long Xueyi this wife dragon makes that time, although is only Divine Soul is doing, but also the human was excited!
„Xueyi, this matter truly needs to give careful consideration, if not the circumstance is stern at present, I will also consider one. Now I put in great inconvenience myself, making you occupy convenient, Mu Selong comes quickly!” The Chen Xiang badly bad laughter spreads to the Long Xueyi mind.