Though, people with bad credit may find it difficult to secure a loan, there are lenders who provide bad credit personal loans. Such loans can be secured or unsecured. Let us take a look at some details about such loans.
Secured Bad Credit Loans: Secured loans are those schemes, wherein you need an asset that can be pledged as a collateral. The lender will provide you with a loan against this collateral, so that it can be seized (by the lender), if the borrower makes defaults in payment. If you are in possession of some asset and are ready to keep the same as security, bad credit becomes irrelevant. The main reason for denial of loans is the fear that the borrower may repeat their mistakes and make defaults in payment. But, if you are offering your assets as collateral, to support the personal loan, your bad credit history becomes immaterial. Because of the collateral, the lender is assured that he will not face losses, even if the borrower fails to pay back. The borrower too will be cautious and pays back the loan amount, for the fear of losing his asset (usually his/her home). In such cases, the sanctioning procedure for the loan, may be time consuming.
The advantage of a bad credit secured loan is that the borrower may not find any difficulty in securing a loan, even though, he has a bad credit history. As compared to an unsecured bad credit loan, the interest rates will be lower and the loan amount will be higher. Even the term of loan may be longer with easy installment options. However, the borrower has to repay the amount on time, so as to improve his credit score, that may get affected adversely in case of defaults.
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