Just because we don't talk anymore, dosent mean that I've forgotten 'bout you, It doesn't mean that I no longer care, Truth is, I still do. I do my best to check up on you, to see how you're doing. To see if you're okay, but every time I get the urge to talk to you, it suddenly hits me that, we're strengers, you don't want me in your life, hence the reason why I'm no longer a part of you. But, even though everything's changed; I just want you to know that, I'm still here. I'll still be here for you, I'll still lend you my shoulders and my ears. I don't care what time it is, what I'm doing. Don't hesitate to talk to me, cause half the time, I wish that you were talking to me. I just really miss your presence, I miss you being my best friend I just miss you in general.