I'm not sure whether or not Seungie really did shed a few tears during the press conference, but he did look a bit sad throughout the whole thing. And I have read many accounts by B2UTYs who say that Hyunseung did have the shortest line of fans among the members and that some B2UTYs were even going as far as to get in the line for Seungie and then move onto another member instead of him. This is the one thing that truly disappoints me. As a true B2UTY, one should understand the just how special these 6 men are. Their all talented and dedicated and passionate about what they do and their dreams have never faltered even when obstacles arise. They all deserve the same amount of love and support from their fans and not one of them should have to go through anything such as what happened to Hyunseung. I wonder if those rude and terrible fans had any guilt or remorse in what they did. Sure we all have a bias among the members and may prefer one member over another, but don't use another member's fan line to get to a different member. It must have hurt Hyunseung's feelings alot since I read that it wasn't only one or two fans, but alot of fans who did that. Do those so-called fans know how lucky they are to be able to see Hyunseung up close and even get to get his autograph and exchange a few words with him? Many international B2UTYs can only dream about such an opportunity. Hyunseung is an amazing singer, dancer, artist, and overall person and deserves much much better.