Hospice care
The term ‘‘hospice’’ usually indicates a program or a type of care for terminally ill patients. Hospice care
emphasizes provision of comfort and relief from symptoms and suffering, and addresses the patient’s psychological,
social, and spiritual needs.2 While terminal care could include any care and treatments for
patients dying of any kind of serious illness, hospice care is specific to comfort care for dying patients who
most of the time agree to forgo active therapies.3 In Japan, less than 6-month prognosis is required to be
admitted to a hospice program, and this is a common hospice criterion across countries. Furthermore,
national health insurance in Japan limits hospice admission only to patients with cancer or AIDS.6 In sum,
although a philosophical definition of hospice care is applicable to all patients in their end of life, a practical
definition limits this service only to patients who have less than 6-month life expectancy in general and to
patients with a specific disease who agree to forgo curative treatment in some countries
Hospice careThe term ‘‘hospice’’ usually indicates a program or a type of care for terminally ill patients. Hospice careemphasizes provision of comfort and relief from symptoms and suffering, and addresses the patient’s psychological,social, and spiritual needs.2 While terminal care could include any care and treatments forpatients dying of any kind of serious illness, hospice care is specific to comfort care for dying patients whomost of the time agree to forgo active therapies.3 In Japan, less than 6-month prognosis is required to beadmitted to a hospice program, and this is a common hospice criterion across countries. Furthermore,national health insurance in Japan limits hospice admission only to patients with cancer or AIDS.6 In sum,although a philosophical definition of hospice care is applicable to all patients in their end of life, a practicaldefinition limits this service only to patients who have less than 6-month life expectancy in general and topatients with a specific disease who agree to forgo curative treatment in some countries
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