Approval from the hospital ethical committee
was sought and agreed. 100 patients admitted
consecutively to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
at York District Hospital were included in the
outcome study. All categories of patients were
included. Of the original 100 patients, 20 died
in the ICU. For the remaining patients who
survived their ICU stay, a consent form and
questionnaire on pre-morbid condition were
completed, adapted from the Whiston Hospital
Questionnaire (WHQ) (Jones et al 1993), using
a semi-structured interview to assess quality of
life for the 3 months prior to their admission to
the ICU. The individual patients were
approached in the wards during their post-ICU
hospital stay, when their improving health
enabled them to make an informed decision
regarding participation in the study. Earlier
studies have indicated that health status 6 and
12 months after discharge are very similar (Le
Gall et al 1982, Cullen et al 1984). It was therefore
decided to follow-up the patients at
approximately 6 months after discharge. To
avoid unnecessary distress to relatives, the
General Practitioners (GPs) of participants in
the study were contacted and their health verified.
Any patients who had moved were followed
up through the Family Health
Committee's GP registration. Patients living
outside a 30 mile radius of the hospital were
sent questionnaires by post and were interviewed
by telephone. The remaining patients
were contacted to ensure they still wished to
participate in the study.
A Profile of Mood States (POMS) (McNair
et al 1981) questionnaire was sent to the patient
1 week prior to interview, to be completed
without the presence of the researcher. Semistructured
interviews were then conducted by
the researcher in each patient's own home
using a modified questionnaire, encompassing
the following validated instruments
METHODSApproval from the hospital ethical committeewas sought and agreed. 100 patients admittedconsecutively to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)at York District Hospital were included in theoutcome study. All categories of patients wereincluded. Of the original 100 patients, 20 diedin the ICU. For the remaining patients whosurvived their ICU stay, a consent form andquestionnaire on pre-morbid condition werecompleted, adapted from the Whiston HospitalQuestionnaire (WHQ) (Jones et al 1993), usinga semi-structured interview to assess quality oflife for the 3 months prior to their admission tothe ICU. The individual patients wereapproached in the wards during their post-ICUhospital stay, when their improving healthenabled them to make an informed decisionregarding participation in the study. Earlierstudies have indicated that health status 6 and12 months after discharge are very similar (LeGall et al 1982, Cullen et al 1984). It was thereforedecided to follow-up the patients atapproximately 6 months after discharge. Toavoid unnecessary distress to relatives, theGeneral Practitioners (GPs) of participants inthe study were contacted and their health verified.Any patients who had moved were followedup through the Family HealthCommittee's GP registration. Patients livingoutside a 30 mile radius of the hospital weresent questionnaires by post and were interviewedby telephone. The remaining patientswere contacted to ensure they still wished toparticipate in the study.A Profile of Mood States (POMS) (McNairet al 1981) questionnaire was sent to the patient1 week prior to interview, to be completedwithout the presence of the researcher. Semistructuredinterviews were then conducted bythe researcher in each patient's own homeusing a modified questionnaire, encompassingthe following validated instruments
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
วิธีการอนุมัติจากคณะกรรมการจริยธรรมโรงพยาบาลได้ขอความเห็นชอบ ผู้ป่วยที่เข้ารับการรักษา ติดต่อกันไปที่หอผู้ป่วยหนัก ที่นิวยอร์กโรงพยาบาลตำบลถูกรวมอยู่ในการศึกษาผล ทุกประเภทของผู้ป่วยที่ได้รับการรวม จากเดิมที่ เสียชีวิตในห้องไอซียู สำหรับผู้ป่วยที่เหลือผู้รอดชีวิตจากการเข้าพักห้องไอซียูของพวกเขาแบบฟอร์มยินยอมและแบบสอบถามสภาพที่ผิดปกติได้รับการเสร็จสิ้นการดัดแปลงมาจากWhiston โรงพยาบาลแบบสอบถาม(โดยใช้การสัมภาษณ์แบบกึ่งโครงสร้างเพื่อประเมินคุณภาพของชีวิตสำหรับ เดือนก่อนที่จะเข้ารับการรักษาของพวกเขาไปห้องไอซียู ผู้ป่วยแต่ละคนได้รับการทาบทามในหอผู้ป่วยในช่วงหลังห้องไอซียูของพวกเขาอยู่โรงพยาบาลเมื่อการปรับปรุงสุขภาพของพวกเขาช่วยให้พวกเขาเพื่อให้ข้อมูลประกอบการตัดสินใจเกี่ยวกับการมีส่วนร่วมในการศึกษา METHODS
Approval from the hospital ethical committee
was sought and agreed. 100 patients admitted
consecutively to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
at York District Hospital were included in the
outcome study. All categories of patients were
included. Of the original 100 patients, 20 died
in the ICU. For the remaining patients who
survived their ICU stay, a consent form and
questionnaire on pre-morbid condition were
completed, adapted from the Whiston Hospital
Questionnaire (WHQ) (Jones et al 1993), using
a semi-structured interview to assess quality of
life for the 3 months prior to their admission to
the ICU. The individual patients were
approached in the wards during their post-ICU
hospital stay, when their improving health
enabled them to make an informed decision
regarding participation in the study. Earlier
studies have indicated that health status 6 and
12 months after discharge are very similar (Le
Gall et al 1982, Cullen et al 1984). It was therefore
decided to follow-up the patients at
approximately 6 months after discharge. To
avoid unnecessary distress to relatives, the
General Practitioners (GPs) of participants in
the study were contacted and their health verified.
Any patients who had moved were followed
up through the Family Health
Committee's GP registration. Patients living
outside a 30 mile radius of the hospital were
sent questionnaires by post and were interviewed
by telephone. The remaining patients
were contacted to ensure they still wished to
participate in the study.
A Profile of Mood States (POMS) (McNair
et al 1981) questionnaire was sent to the patient
1 week prior to interview, to be completed
without the presence of the researcher. Semistructured
interviews were then conducted by
the researcher in each patient's own home
using a modified questionnaire, encompassing
the following validated instruments
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..