you tremble from the chaos, you could lose their trust and respect. You certainly will destroy the area of safety you have given your actors. Always maintain your focus of concentration and rely on your assistant directors and others to handle whatever chaos may arise. That's what they are there for. Some directors play music on the set while the crew is working to create an atmosphere, while others may try to keep discourse away from the main action. Tempers can flare, especially when long production hours are concerned. I try to keep some levity on set when I direct and have an arsenal of jokes at hand that I may recount to a group of actors and crew members from time to time. Humor is always tension reliever, but you must make sure that it does not offend anyone. Since your first assistant director is always concerned with the crew, protect your actors at all costs. Without them you have no picture. You must work to get that spontaneous spark from their acting, and to do that you must find a way to let the actors settle into the scene and work it until it is magic.Then, with your shot lists aside, bring the camera in to share in that magic When the magic is happening, your crew gets excited, and when they get excited they deliver amazingly positive results no matter what the hardships. Working with children on set can be more difficult than working with adults. Children do not have the patience or maturity needed to understand how things are done on set, In addition, children are restricted by law and the Screen Actors Guild regarding the number of hours they are allowed to work. Directors need to go back to the basics of the story to help offscreen what occurs onscreen and find methods to help child actors understand the characters they are portraying. With Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events, Brad Silberling wisely gave a video camera to Liam Aiken and Emily Browning, the two young actors who played the two oldest children in the movie. He asked them to interview one another as the characters they were playing. This game solidified their characters and established a rapport between them that they brought to the set. Some of the dialogue from the interviews also wound up in the movie. On stories where child actors are to play children of adult actors, arrange for all of them to have a lunch or some other kind of informal social activity before production begins and they walk onto the set. This will establish a rapport between the adults and kids, which will transfer to the story and make your directing job easier. Children need to be prepared for their roles.