Localization of A. citrulli in infested watermelon seeds. To
compare the effect of invasion pathway on A. citrulli location,
seeds from pericarp- and pistil-inoculated fruits were studied.
Seed samples (n = 50 seeds) from each lot were dissected into
testa, PE layer, and embryo tissues and assayed for A. citrulli. To
separate seed sections, testae were first removed from dry seeds
using a sterile scalpel. Each decoated seed was soaked in distilled
water for 3 h at 25°C in the dark and then the PE layer was
removed using sterile forceps (DR Instruments, Palos Hills, IL).
Soaking in distilled water was required to facilitate the complete
removal of PE layers from seeds. However, we acknowledge that
this process may result in the cross-contamination of tissues
which, in turn, may prevent determination of the exact location of
A. citrulli cells in seed tissues (e.g., inner versus outer surfaces of
testae or PE layers). Similar sections dissected from 10 seeds
from fruits of blossoms whose pistils were treated with PBS
served as negative controls.
Localization of A. citrulli in infested watermelon seeds. Tocompare the effect of invasion pathway on A. citrulli location,seeds from pericarp- and pistil-inoculated fruits were studied.Seed samples (n = 50 seeds) from each lot were dissected intotesta, PE layer, and embryo tissues and assayed for A. citrulli. Toseparate seed sections, testae were first removed from dry seedsusing a sterile scalpel. Each decoated seed was soaked in distilledwater for 3 h at 25°C in the dark and then the PE layer wasremoved using sterile forceps (DR Instruments, Palos Hills, IL).Soaking in distilled water was required to facilitate the completeremoval of PE layers from seeds. However, we acknowledge thatthis process may result in the cross-contamination of tissueswhich, in turn, may prevent determination of the exact location ofA. citrulli cells in seed tissues (e.g., inner versus outer surfaces oftestae or PE layers). Similar sections dissected from 10 seedsfrom fruits of blossoms whose pistils were treated with PBSserved as negative controls.
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