The sea creatures, it was believed that the spirit of the people who died in the sea. The sea creatures appear in various aspects. May be the look of people walking drag bigger fish from sea at night (be fish eat you).The sea creatures that depend on this boat. Often in such as light light on the mast. And the fishermen believed that if the sea creatures can climb up the islands on the mast. To make the boat went down!The phenomenon of sea creatures as this house. Westerners called the flame of St. Elmo (St. Elmo 's Fire) เป็นปรา rule situation static in the air flow downward through the various objects. Such as the mast, usually born on the day of thunderstorm
.In the literature, it is said that the sea creatures as well. "" she is ocean butterflies in literature proposition "Phra aphai mani" poet of Siam. Sunthorn Phu itself, which she ocean butterfly is a giant with supernatural power.Currently, the sea ghost is also used as a curse or criticism too. But to leave the broken as many as cute guy flirting do awkwardly with women, may be called "punk" means someone who looks like a ghost.