Restructuring the institutional priorities and provisions
Expanded programme offers by UAb
What roles different types of DL providers – Universities and Polytechnics, UAb and other institutions – should play in expanding Portugal's DL sector? We came to the conclusion that the size of expansion being contemplated can only be achieved by following a two-pronged approach. It would require, in the first instance, a significantly expanded range of offers from UAb, the one dedicated DL institution the country has. But this would not be sufficient by itself; this effort would need to be combined with a range of collaborative efforts among a number of HEIs institutions. Both the Universities and the Polytechnics need to make their contributions through separate and specialised collaborative efforts.
Nonetheless, further expansion would need to come from a substantially diversified offering of courses by the University. UAb can specialise in selected offer areas and build capacity in new ones. In particular, it can offer lifelong learning opportunities to a wider population. Areas reserved for UAb could include those that are more difficult to implement by traditional HEIs, and that need specific financial support, such as DL programmes delivered to socially disadvantaged students, disabled students, programmes that provide opportunities to those who cannot be "traditional" students. It can offer more courses in law, some elements of medical and health studies, economics and business administration, and technical education. It can further expand its programmes in Portuguese speaking countries and steps are being taken currently to go beyond the traditional field of language training.
Clearly these efforts by the University would require new funding. The current financing arrangement where the Government's contribution is more or less fixed percentage of HE expenditure (1.1%) would need to be removed. The tool of performance contracts can be used to achieve programme expansion against specified quality and performance targets.