Marketing Implications
In today’s marketing environment, sustaining a competitive
advantage on the basis of product differentiation often is an
exhausting race to a constantly shifting finish line. Any lead
in the race is eroded quickly by imitation or even by superior
technology from competitors. One way to sidestep this treadmill
is to redefine the terms of competitive advantage. Part of
the success of brands like Jeep lies in their focus not merely
on the product or its positioning but also on the experience of
ownership and consumption. Differentiating on the basis of
ownership experience can be achieved through programs
strategically designed to enhance customer-centered relationships.
The events examined here provide opportunities for
consumers to experience anticipated but unrealized product
benefits, share those experiences with others, meet with the
previously faceless and nameless people behind the brand,
and learn more about the brand’s heritage and values. Our
research demonstrates that such marketing programs can have
a measurable impact on the full range of customer-centered
relationships. By proactively providing the context for relationships
to develop, marketers can cultivate community in
ways that enhance IBC and thereby increase customer loyalty