The models were evaluated using four criteria statistical parameters,
such as the mean bias error (MBE), the root mean square error
(RMSE), the modeling efficiency (EF) and chi-square (c2), inwhere MRexp;i is the ith experimental MR, MRpre;i is the ith predicted
MR, MRexp;ave is the average experimental MR, N and n are the
numbers of observation and constants.
The models were evaluated using four criteria statistical parameters,such as the mean bias error (MBE), the root mean square error(RMSE), the modeling efficiency (EF) and chi-square (c2), inwhere MRexp;i is the ith experimental MR, MRpre;i is the ith predictedMR, MRexp;ave is the average experimental MR, N and n are thenumbers of observation and constants.
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