I was at the age of thirteen, I had always dreamed of going to the beach. I had always wondered what it would be like to just lie in the sun as the waves rushed to the shore and to hear the wind blowing. My dream came true once my father decided that we were going to Pattaya. I felt excited and look forward to the trip. I knew then it wasn't going to be another boring family summer vacation. We had usually taken earlier. On the first of April 2009, my family and started a travel. I thought to myself that by the time this ten hours' drive was completed, I would already have been at the start of fulfilling my dream trip. However; it was too dark to see the sea when we arrived. Therefore I had to put my dream to rest as we all did. At the crack of dawn, I woke up, put my newly- bought bathing suit on excitedly ran to the beach, and lied on the shone. It was an even greater moment for me when I played with my sister and cousin in the sea for hours and finally got to experience the sea for the first time. There had never been a boring moment on the trip. Yes, that trip was dreams come true for me.