One-Handed Tasks:
a.Shoulder-elbow coordination:
Reach and retrieve a one pound weight
ii.Wipe spilled water
b.Forearm pronation and supination
i.Flip cards
ii.Spoon a bean
c.Whole-hand grasp and object manipulation:
i.Drink from mug (using palmar grasp & hook grasp)
ii.Squeeze an orange (halved)
d.Three-finger grasp and object manipulation:
i.Pinch lemon wedge
ii.Write a word
e.Two-finger (precision) grip and object manipulation:
i.Flip a light switch
ii.Stack checkers
iii.Place pegs in a pegboard
f.Visuomotor coordination/proprioception:
i.Finger-to-nose (eyes open and closed)
g.Tactuomotor coordination/stereognosis:
i.Count coins (with eyes closed)
h.Finger individuation:
i.Dial a number on touch-tone phone
ii.Type a word on keyboard
2.Two-Handed Tasks:
a.Bilaterally asymmetrical:
i.Put on a coat (gross arm movements)
ii.Open a jar (palmar grasp)
iii.Cut meat (precision grasp and manipulation)
b.Bilaterally symmetrical:
i.Eat a sandwich
c.Bilateral dexterity:
Tie shoe laces (on a table)
Button a coat (two lower buttons)