Take the sword
“It says take the sword.”
“Me, take the sword?”
Terose didn’t look enthusiastic on the surface, but he was secretly excited as he reached for the sword.
If Weed had been there, he would have been suspicious five times over already! With such easy battles, they should have been suspicious of their surroundings. Considering how smoothly everything went, this A-class quest was too easy. They had only encountered a few dangerous battles.
In contrast to Weed, who had commanded his troops and led them into battle; that in itself, was an achievement. However, neither the Orcs nor the Dark Elves were able to use their full potential.
The enemies were far too weak. The difficulty of this quest couldn’t even compare to the Undead Legion’s quest. Furthermore, this quest stated nothing about acquiring a sword.
That moment Terose just grabbed the sword.
The place was filled with treasures made out of gold.
“What’s going on?”
“The area is getting brighter.”
The people could not find where the light came from. After looking up, they found the source.
The Golden Scorpion had awakened.
“Fearlessly entering the tomb of Belsos - the great emperor of fire - with greedy intentions. The king is fed up with you fools. Those who trespass shall not be forgiven. A Fiery Retribution shall consume every one of you!”
While holding onto the sword, Terose’s body burst into flames. Within moments, he turned to ashes and died.
Another disaster befell on the expedition.
Fire spirits!
Countless fire spirits appeared and attacked them all at once.
The expedition party failed to respond to the sudden situation and its battle formation became disorderly, until it finally collapsed. While observing the expedition turning to ashes, the Golden scorpion said:
“Foolish mortals! You have aroused the wrath of King Belsos and have brought a curse of fire upon the continent.”
CTS media was broadcasting their adventure to millions of people.
The Crimson Wing guild crumbled at that moment. Greed caused the Crimson Wing guild to fail the quest and led them to their downfall.
At first, they didn’t understand what the golden scorpion statue was saying. Then they realized that they had failed the quest.
People on Royal Road began to start posting furiously.
- Humidity is on the rise.
- The rays of sunlight suddenly intensified.
- It seems like the temperature rose by about 5 degrees.